Why should Farragut area patients seek treatment for their gingivitis?

Dentists do their best to help patients understand the devastating effects of periodontal disease. This disease, typically referred to as gum disease, is a condition that can develop due to poor oral hygiene. When patients take good care of their smile by brushing, flossing, and visiting their dentist regularly for recall appointments, they can reduce the risk of developing this condition.
Periodontal disease can cause long-term, permanent problems to a patient’s smile. When it progresses without proper treatment, it can result in the loss of bone, gum tissue, and teeth. This requires extensive work to control and bring the smile back to health. This is why it is so important for patients to seek treatment of their condition as early as possible.
Gingivitis is the earliest stage of periodontal disease. The condition is characterized by bleeding, irritated, and swollen gum tissue. At this point, the problem is beginning to develop. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress into more severe stages of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease can cause the gum tissue to recede from the teeth, bone to disintegrate, and the teeth to become loose and even fall out due to lack of structure and stability.
By taking preventive measures, patients in the Farragut and Knoxville areas are able to maintain a healthy smile. Brushing and flossing after every meal, as well as visiting the dentist, are ways a patient can be proactive about his or her oral health. These visits are the perfect time for Dr. Foncea to examine a patient’s smile and ensure these conditions are not developing. X-rays and a physical examination are beneficial in reducing one’s risk for periodontal disease.
Are you ready to take better care of your smile? Are you unsure if you are experiencing the beginning stages of periodontal disease? Have you been diagnosed with gingivitis but have not yet begun treatment? If any of these apply to you, now is the time to contact Sequoyah Dental Arts in Knoxville, TN to begin treatment with a qualified, caring dentist such as Dr. Foncea. Call today to schedule a consultation appointment.
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